AAAGGGHHH, what is wrong with my leg?! - March 18th 2014

18th March 2014

AAAGGGHHH, what is wrong with my leg?! - March 18th 2014

My last run... my very last long run, just 5km to go out of the 28km and BANG! Massive pain down the outside of my leg. Hmmm... I can't run. I can barely walk. This really isn't good at all. I hobbled back to my car, with that intense paranoia that only a sportsperson (or me in this case) can appreciate - the worry that you can't compete in something you have been trianing for for over a year.

Familiarity of annoyance

It had previously occurred to me that I had been extremely lucky in my preparations to date without so much as a twinge - a similar experience to my North Pole training. However, just like my North Pole prep, where I got my first cold in about 3 years, just 2 days before leaving for the arctic, this injury could also cause me serious issues - potentially not even being able to take part.

Today  I went to see my physio Sam who, for the last 6 months, has brought me close to tears on a weekly basis with her version of a 'sports massage'. I can't fault her, she has kept me injury free for a year, but for almost the full hour, I am biting my lip trying not to groan in pain as she puts her full bodyweight through her elbow, into my legs. She was less than impressed with me. My ITB (Iliotibial band - running from your hip to your knee) was in a bad way... it was 'buggered'. It 'clicked' every time I straightened my knee and was agony when Sam put any pressure on it. Fun. 

Needles to 'cure' pain?

That's the theory. Ram a needle 3cm into the muscle and everything will be fine... that was my hope, Causing micro-trauma to increase blood flow is one of the latest tricks used by physios. The theory sounds good, so am happy to give it a try. So, I lay there, needles in my leg, just 3 weeks before the run and was being told that the prognosis was not great. 'I won't lie, it's not great and probably won't heal in time. However, more positive news soon came...

You can't 'snap' your ITB Paul, it will just hurt like hell'. Oh, that's fine then I thought. Just one more thing to add on the pile. The MDS was still on.


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AAAGGGHHH, what is wrong with my leg?! - March 18th 2014

AAAGGGHHH, what is wrong with my leg?! - March 18th 2014

My last run... my very last long run, just 5km to go out of the 28km and BANG! Massive pain down the outside of my leg. Hmmm... I can't run. I can barely walk. This really isn't good at...  more »

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Maps & Tracking

Maps & Tracking

You can explore the full route to the North Pole and follow Paul’s progress with live maps that will plot his position each day as he progresses towards the pole  more >



VSO is the world’s leading independent international development organisation that works through volunteers to fight poverty in developing countries ( The Fire and Ice Challenge is aiming to raise £50,000 for VSO’s secure livelihoods programme  more >